Ambient Shadow Baker

Source Code:
Unity Shader:
Plant Vertex Color Generator

Source Code:
Unity Shader:
The class is fairly straightforward. It manages UI tasks through functions and splits the button placement into a separate overridable function addUIElements(). From here you simply call functions to create a few UI elements. For now the class supports lists, textfields, and buttons, but i’ll be adding more in the future. Each element can be created with a single function call, allowing you to create complex setups with very little code.
The demo class and demo extension class create these 2 windows respectively:
Update 7-23 : Updated to support radioButtons, Int fields, and Float fields. Also added optional flags to tweak elements in a non default manner, such as a text field without buttons.
Update 7-24 : Minor update to support spaces in UI elements better
Source Code:
Heightmap Baking
I’ve extended it a bit here and hopefully it can be used for other purposes in the future, such as matching terrain to kitbashed areas. Often i find heightmap painting rather restricting, so being able to just kitbash an area and then have the terrain be updated “auto-magically” is pretty cool. Im just uploading as is to get this section kicked off but please let me know any potential improvements you would like to see.